January, 2006
9th. Issue.
A new year is upon us. Another year of hopes and dreams that eventually amount to nothing. Let us not kid ourselves believing that this time around we'll get it right. The dust will still settle in huge quantities in that one corner of your livingroom and your love life, should you be lucky enough to have one, certainly won't be getting any better.
And of course, if you don't have one, you shouldn't expect to gete one this year either! You'll be sad and miserable, but you'll always have a friend in The Madness!
The only way to get through is to follow The Madness. We'll guide you through. Trust us. After all, it can't possibly hurt!
On his route across the world to deliver happyness and joy to mankind, Father Christmas was hit head on by another aircraft, carrying tourists to The Holy Land.
Miraculously, Father Christmas survived the ordeal and assures us that he'll be back next christmas, but with seatbealts fastened.
January marks the beginning of a new year. But as sure as another day will come, stuff you bought before christmas suddenly costs half price in January. However, we don't care. After all, we're not Scottish or even Møringer.
The latest trend is to also sell creative work at reduced prices. artists all over the world are cutting prices for their work. The Madness has been fortunate enough to secure the latest works by renowned writer/journalist, Mr. Hugo Gladstone. Apparently he has breakfast several times a day and was willing to part with his work for two croissants and a cup of tea. We are indeed fortunate and we hope to read more of his work at The Madness. Enjoy!
Travelers should beware that oil literally flows in the streets along with the sewage. It is advisable to bring wellingtons.
Tash Kumyr has a booming mining industry. During the summer months the state are actually hiring visitors to work their mines. The state department informs us that it is primarily visitors from Columbia, Bolivia and Australia who receive this special offer.
Go there, but don't stay too long.
In the Far East , neighbouring mighty China lays the country of Kyrgyzstan . An old Soviet province, now abandoned in the high mountains of the area, it as a cold a dreary place, yet a place not to be forgotten.
Travelling through Kyrgyzstan one should look up the small city of Tash Kumyr . Just south of the second largest lake in the country, on the Naryn River , it is a delightful place with a fascinating history. Although the Soviet rule destroyed most of this rich and potentially prosperous place, the people living there has never lost hope and is praying for some rich schmo to invest money in the rich geological potential of Tash Kumyr.
The Province of Tash Kumyr is said to be the site of one of the largest and easiest accessible oil sites anywhere in the world.
The proud nomadic history of Kyrgyzstan ’s population has its roots from Tash Kumyr. It was here that the first nomads pitched their tents over three thousand years ago. This proud history lives on even today, as children are born into the nomad lifestyle.
The people of Tash Kumyr have recently finished the reconstruction of what was once Kublai Khans' private stable and farm. This is a project the entire city has been involved in and the results are phenomenal! One can literally smell the horse manure.